Ga Kenkey or Fante Kenkey

           Ga Kenkey or Fante Kenkey?

From generations everlasting, this two prominent foods have been very good friends to the Ghanaian citizenry. Foreigners who come to the country attest to the fact fact, coming to Ghana and not eating any amongst the two foods is a total disappointment, this is because they can be found everywhere in the country. From the norther part of the country to southern part, east and west. 

This food prepared with corn is very prominent among-st the people leaving on the coastal lines, precisely the the Fantes and the Ga's.

The Ga's have a special way of preparing the corn into kenkey. They do that by wrapping the semi cooked corn dough into the dry corn husk in a round form and boiling is done afterwards, that's we have "GA KENKEY" named after the Gas.

The Fante's on the other hand have a special way of preparing their kenkey.

The corn dough is first semi cooked  and wrapped into a dry or fresh plantain leaves. The wrapped content is boiled afterwards, that's we have a "FANTE KENKEY" named after the Fantes.

Amongst the two KENKEY's the well known is the Fante kenkey, this is because the mode and way it been prepared make's storage and transportation very easy. Most students in Ghana who have been to the boarding house can attest to this fact that Fante kenkey is a celebrity in their school days and still it is. 

One of the wrapping materials used for covering, that's the corn husk isn't readily available in some areas hence the plantain leaf is mostly used. The makes the Fante kenkey easier to prepare. 

Talking about taste based on ones jurisdiction,it very easier for the Ga man to say Ga kenkey is sweet and vice versa however both kenkeys have a distinctive taste and this is the result of the outer wrapping materials used. This materials also affect the nutritional value of the food, herbalist suggest that fresh plantain leaves have positive effect of reducing blood sugar and Corn husk on the other hand positive effect of the menstral issues and malaria, there isn't any disputes on this fact yet, which means that both foods have a distinctive feature although it the same corn used for preparing both.

Some people like both kenkey with hot grind pepper  and fried fish, others like it with the slimy slipper okro stew. 

The most consumed food in Ghana which surpasses all others is kenkey in any of the form.

Ghanaian's have outstanding dishes that have real nutritional values and worth tasting. Comparing Ga  Kenkey To Fante kenkey, the most consumed is the Fante kenkey.



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